With the change in climate in Caspian, and Georgia in particularly, and the focus moving to HSE training it is important that clients appreciate that there are great benefits for personnel continuing training in their own working environment.

Here you may find information about our company and number of trainings that Georgia Safety Solutions staff has been involved in throughout Companies represented in Georgia market such as BP, PSL Energy, Statoil, CAPC, AZLAB, CCIC, GWDC, Karasu, Salyan Oil Ltd and readily will provide high standard services to You.

Georgia Safety Solutions Commitment to Health, Safety and Environmental Performance (HSE).

Everybody who works for "Georgia Safety Solutions" anywhere is responsible for getting safety right.
Good HSE performance and the health, safety and security of everyone who works for us are critical to the success of our business.
Our goals are simply staged – no accidents, no harm to people.

We will:
- Consult, listen and respond openly to our customers, employees, neighbors, public interest groups and those who work with us;
- Work with suppliers, competitors and regulators – to raise the standards of our industry.

In all our activities and operations, we will:
- Comply fully with all legal requirements and meet or exceed these Expectations wherever we operate in the world;
- Provide a secure working environment by protecting ourselves, our assets and our operations against risk of injury, loss or damage from criminal or hostile acts;
- Regularly provide assurance that the processes in place are working effectively. While all Georgia Safety Solutions employees are responsible for HSE performance, line management is accountable for understanding and managing HSE risks;
- Fully participate in hazard identification and risk assessments, Assurance Audits and reporting of HSE results.

People, Training and Behaviors
People's behavior is critical to Georgia Safety Solutions success, therefore, our workforce will be carefully selected and trained, and their skills and competencies regularly assessed.
- Employees practice, encourage and reinforce safe, healthy and environmentally sound behaviors;
- HSE roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are developed and used to define individual performance targets. These are documented and feedback on personal performance is provided;
- Recruitment, selection and placement processes ensure that personnel are qualified, competent and physically and mentally fit for their assigned tasks;
- Workforce has the required skills and training to competently perform their tasks in a healthy, safe and environmentally sound manner. Training is evaluated to determine its effectiveness.

Facilities Design and Constructions
Fire and Offshore Basic Survival ground development:
- Baseline technical, environmental and health data are collected before the development of any new operation, facility or major modification;
- Operational, maintenance and HSE expertise are integrated early in the project/design stage. Experience from previous projects and current operations are applied;
- Potential hazards are identified and HSE risks assesses using appropriate risk assessment tools (e.g. qualified risk assessments, HAZOPS, and HSE reviews) at specific stages of a project from concept through to start up, and risks and mitigated through risk management techniques;
- Local regulatory requirements are met or exceeded. Where these are absent or inadequate, standards are set that protect people and the environment;
- Quality assurance and inspection systems are in place to ensure that facilities meet design and procurement specifications and that construction is in accordance with approved standards.

To complete our portfolio, we enclose a complete list of courses which are available from our plant operator training division.
A number of selected course descriptors are available on the page for your perusal. Other course descriptors are available on request.