Defensive driving refresher

The course covers the same topics as the Defensive Driving (Initial) course but with the emphasis on practicing driving skills.

Participants will be able to:
Identify the primary hazards resulting from: driver / vehicle / passengers / third party / environment,
Demonstrate a knowledge of Brunei road traffic regulations and highway signs,
Practically demonstrate pre-journey driving checks and an anticipatory / defensive driving technique
List the safe stopping distances for a car under different conditions,
Demonstrate maneuvering of a vehicle and reversing parking,
Identify adverse conditions affecting the control of the vehicle and list the actions to compensate,
State the correct use and limitations, of safety equipment within a car e.g. ABS, Airbags,
List the principal elements related to a correct driving position. (arms, head, support, vision etc.)
Demonstrate what to do for self, passengers and third parties in the event of an accident,
Explain the current trend in motor vehicle accident statistics within Brunei over the past 5 years

1 Day.

Defensive Driving (Initial), Current Class 3 Driving License

3 years

Medical Required

Minimum number 3 Maximum number 6