Introduction to the environment

To introduce participants to Environmental issues and the systematic approach to environmental management to ensure participants gain the necessary knowledge and understanding of how environmental matters will affect their work and their responsibilities at their level of operation to ensure environmental requirements are being met.

Participants will be able to:

Describe environmental issues (both local & global) relating to land, air and water
Understand the concept of sustainable development
Describe current legislation relevant to the environment
Understand the components of ISO14001 Standard Environmental Management Systems and describe their links
Describe the significance of the environmental aspects register
Identify and understand personal roles and responsibilities within the EMS for continual improvement of environmental performance

Introduction to Environmental Issues and the need for systematic environmental management.
The concept of sustainable development
Current legislation, international conventions and protocols.
Introduction to ISO14001 Standard and the benefits of certification
The key elements of ISO14001 Environmental Management System
The structure of EMS using EMS model (generic or company specific)
Environmental Policy
Syndicate exercise
Implementation and operation
Checking & Corrective Action
Management Review
The roles and responsibilities of the individual within the EMS and continual improvement of environmental performance
Knowledge assessment and course review

1 Day


At company Discretion

Medical Required

Minimum number 8 Maximum number 16