Course in occupational 4wd drive Defensive driving Defensive driving refresher Defensive driving for general public
Offshore emergency response team leader Offshore emergency response team member Further offshore emergency response team leader Further offshore emergency response team member
Induction to environmental management Introduction to the environment Waste management Environmental impact assessment
Basic fire fighting Helicopter fire fighting Helicopter fire fighting (refresher)
Senior first aid Basic workplace first aid Basic resuscitation Senior first aid (refresher)
Breathing apparatus wearer / confined space entry Gas testing Fire warden Basic safety harness Behavioural safety Chemical handling Construction site safety Contractor HSE performance General safety Health and safety auditing
Helicopter underwater emergency training (HUET) including EBS BOSIET Survival (offshore)
Advanced banksman level 2 (offshore) Lift planning 1 Lift planning 2 Forklift truck driving for up to 3 ton capacity and over 3 ton capacity
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